Wednesday, April 29, 2009

2009 Cards added to my want list.

Sorry for the lack of posts lately I will be fixing that shortly (hopefully). I also have a few people (Aardvark, Junkie, & Blue jay Cards) to get back to about some trades that were (are still I hope) in the works.

I added 2009 to my want list. To access it either go from the link on the right side labeled Modern Red Sox Want List or use this one here. I have a bunch of 09 Heritage, Upper Deck and a few Topps to trade off. Maybe I'll post my extras after I get all caught back up on posting every trade I have received in the last few months. (Yes you see that correctly I have a looooong overdue trade post to publish that I got back in January, four months late isn't too late is it?)


Flash said...

I can probably help you out with 2009 Topps and 2009 Topps Heritage. I'll have to go through my doubles tonight.

Flash said...

I have these:

2009 Heritage: 115, 249
2009 Topps: 8,43,50,77,221,267

Want them?