Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Ding, Ding Round 2

Lucy at Dinged Corners also posted some questions to answer.

1-What is your favorite kind of dog?Great Dane.

I have never owned one yet but one day I'll become brave enough to invite a horse to live in my home.

2-Who is your favorite baseball player?Kevin Youkilis

No other player, plays with as much passion as Youk. He plays like the guy who wrote #5.

3-What is your favorite team? Red Sox

4-What is your favorite baseball movie?

There have been a ton of great baseball movies. Some notable ones that I can remember are Major League (I, II, and III), The Natural, Bull Duram, Field of Dreams, The Rookie, Sandlot, The Babe, Cobb and Eight Men Out along with a ton of others. But the absolute best baseball movie ever is For Love of the Game. Hands Down with none of the others even coming close. He throws a perfecto against the Yankees, how could anything beat that. Cobb would be my second favorite.

5-What is your favorite baseball book? Pete Rose: My Prison Without Bars

This book made me like Pete Rose even more.

6-What is your favorite card? My 55 Ted Williams

1 comment:

stusigpi said...

As a kid I had a great Dane/Saint Bernard Mix. All I know is that when I was 13, he came up to my neck when he was standing on all fours. His name: Cody Bear