Sunday, January 17, 2010

Being a Night Owl Myself to Post This

A little while back I saw a Red Sox auto posted on Night Owls blog.  I really wanted it so I e-mailed him and weworked out a trade.  He got his cards a few days ago and mine came yesterday.

First up is a M101 Babe Ruth (in a Red Sox uniform) reprint.  The other day JDs Wild Cards asked what everyones whote wales were.  This is mine.  Well not exactly, the real one of my white whales.

Topps Heitage Hideo Nomo:  I think this is an 04 but I have sofew of them I forget.  I would look at the card and see if I hadn't already put it away.  Soeey feeling lazy tonight.  Heck you are lucky I am writing at all.  Or are you...

Upper Deck Ovation Pedro Martinez (same proble with the year here)  I miss Pedro and his antics not to mention his pitching.  I so didn't appreciate im enough whenhe was on the team.

09 Goodwin Justin Masterson Autograph.  Now to the good stuff.  The Goodwin autos look awesome.  Everybody that didn't vote them the best autos in the Gummi Awards, boo on you.

1993 O-Pee Chee Scott Fletcher: Canadian must be stingy people because they get thier own bseball card set and for some reason theyhardly ever make it to Missouri.  For this reason I hardly have any so anytim I get one in trade it is great..

2009 Bowman Chrome Michael Bowden Autograph:  I know everyone buys Chrome for the autos and rookies but seriously compare it to the Goodwin.  Enough said..

This is the end, there is Nomo(re)

Thanks for the trade Greg.  And I hope there is no hard feelings from the Bonds'.

1 comment:

  1. No hard feelings. In fact, you'll be getting some more cards when I can get things together.
